
martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Editores o algoritmos

Un estudio de S. Shyam Sundar y Sampada S. Marathe, profesor y doctorando del Media Effects Research Lab de Penn State University, concluye:
The obvious assumption is people would like more control over what they read. We found when it came to evaluating new stories and quality of content, customization was the preferred method for power users. If you were not a power user, you wanted the system to tailor the news for you.
Y también:
When they didn't think the system was secure, they wanted to take control rather than give it up. Once they were assured of privacy, they were all for the personalization.
Tomen nota de que, de nuevo, lo que aquí juega como valor esencial es la credibilidad. ¿Cuánta credibilidad genera un algoritmo? ¿Y un editor? Esperemos al próximo trabajo del Media Effects Lab.

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