
jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2008

Primero dijo…

The sale of Dow Jones to Rupert Murdoch and his News Corp. global media giant would lead to loss of the unique news quality and integrity of The Wall Street Journal and other Dow Jones publications and Internet services, and loss of the independence and integrity of a leading national editorial voice.
Jim Ottaway Jr, accionista de Dow Jones, ante la venta de The Wall Street Journal
6 de Mayo de 2007

Things that I spoke about publicly that I feared Murdoch would do, that would be bad for Dow Jones and for The Wall Street Journal, have just not happened. I think he's done a much better job than I thought he would. The Bancroft family controlling shareholders would have been reluctant to cut dividends and make new investments of their own money that might have been necessary to keep the journal going at its present level of quality. In that sense, it's better for the Journal, its employees, and its readers that Murdoch owns it today rather than if the Bancroft family owned it today.
Jim Ottaway Jr, ex accionista de Dow Jones, un año después de la venta
11 de diciembre de 2008

—No hay más preguntas, Su Señoría.

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